1 00:00:24,250 --> 00:00:28,333 She satisfied each one of my cravings 2 00:00:28,333 --> 00:00:33,166 I sparked up her fierce hunger 3 00:00:33,166 --> 00:00:37,625 She could imagine a life with me 4 00:00:37,625 --> 00:00:42,333 I couldn't imagine a life without her 5 00:00:59,916 --> 00:01:03,958 She had to get used to dealing with octopuses 6 00:01:03,958 --> 00:01:08,333 me, to dive between the gorse looking for flowers 7 00:01:08,333 --> 00:01:12,625 She found me escaping from a nightmare 8 00:01:12,625 --> 00:01:17,833 I discovered that she actually exceeded my dreams 9 00:01:19,625 --> 00:01:24,416 Of the two of us, she is the wire and I am the funambulist 10 00:01:24,416 --> 00:01:28,208 Balancing on the circus ring 11 00:01:28,208 --> 00:01:33,875 I am the heads, she is the tails of the same coin 12 00:01:54,166 --> 00:01:59,083 She managed to keep my feet on the ground 13 00:01:59,083 --> 00:02:03,666 I was the spring that made her flight take off 14 00:02:03,666 --> 00:02:07,875 She added one plus one and it equaled one 15 00:02:07,875 --> 00:02:13,666 The only thing I have that that she doesn’t is my pride 16 00:02:14,708 --> 00:02:19,500 Of the two of us, she is the wire and I am the funambulist 17 00:02:19,500 --> 00:02:23,291 Balancing on the circus ring 18 00:02:23,291 --> 00:02:28,958 I am the heads, she is the tails of the same coin 19 00:02:32,458 --> 00:02:37,250 Of the two of us, she is the wire and I am the funambulist 20 00:02:37,250 --> 00:02:41,041 Balancing on the circus ring 21 00:02:41,041 --> 00:02:46,708 I am the heads, she is the tails of the same coin