1 00:00:55,399 --> 00:00:57,399 Life. 2 00:00:59,240 --> 00:01:01,240 The biggest mystery. 3 00:01:02,240 --> 00:01:04,239 What is Life? 4 00:01:11,319 --> 00:01:13,319 When did it happen? 5 00:01:15,959 --> 00:01:17,959 How did it surge? 6 00:01:19,519 --> 00:01:22,200 Did it happen in our planet? 7 00:01:26,040 --> 00:01:28,040 Or did it come from other worlds? 8 00:01:33,560 --> 00:01:36,840 This is Gerardo Garrido 9 00:01:38,640 --> 00:01:41,920 And I travelled to Iceland in the company of Ricardo Amils. 10 00:01:43,480 --> 00:01:48,480 Ricardo is an astrobiologist, someone that searches for life forms out of our planet. 11 00:01:51,560 --> 00:01:57,239 He is my guide to a world he only can see. 12 00:02:08,319 --> 00:02:13,639 He is a detective of the origin of life who searches for clue in the most hostile places. 13 00:02:19,039 --> 00:02:21,039 We will visit infernal ponds surrounded by sulphur. 14 00:02:23,840 --> 00:02:25,840 Lethal lakes. 15 00:02:28,240 --> 00:02:30,240 Poisonous rivers. 16 00:02:31,919 --> 00:02:37,000 The heart of glaciers. And the surroundings of an active volcano. 17 00:02:40,639 --> 00:02:46,719 And even we will go underground to find answers in the darkness. 18 00:02:50,120 --> 00:02:55,120 THE DARK WORLD 19 00:03:00,199 --> 00:03:02,199 LIFE AND WATER 20 00:03:10,560 --> 00:03:14,759 Our planet boils in life. 21 00:03:21,800 --> 00:03:29,800 There could be as 10 million animal and plant species living with us, according to science. 22 00:03:36,560 --> 00:03:41,039 But all of them need water for living. 23 00:03:49,240 --> 00:03:55,919 Our journey to know the origin of life drive us to the encounter with water. 24 00:04:07,199 --> 00:04:11,400 Why is water so important for life? 25 00:04:12,599 --> 00:04:16,600 You and me are made by water in 80 percent. 26 00:04:17,879 --> 00:04:22,800 Water is essential for life. Without water, there is no life. It is the best marker for life. 27 00:04:23,560 --> 00:04:26,879 That is the reason people search for life on Mars. 28 00:04:28,680 --> 00:04:31,839 Life is a solvent. It makes possible that systems can interchange molecules. 29 00:04:34,199 --> 00:04:36,199 You need a solvent for working. 30 00:04:40,319 --> 00:04:43,920 Water is the most powerful solvent in Nature. 31 00:04:46,160 --> 00:04:51,360 It allows the movement of this microscopic creature. 32 00:04:53,040 --> 00:04:59,120 And makes its metabolism to function. 33 00:05:05,439 --> 00:05:12,120 Water makes possible the miracle of Life. 34 00:05:30,959 --> 00:05:32,959 But Life is much more than water. 35 00:05:43,959 --> 00:05:49,480 We drive to the cost in the middle of a hard rain. 36 00:05:57,399 --> 00:06:02,480 Weather give us a stop and we meet the beautiful Icelandic horses. 37 00:06:05,240 --> 00:06:08,399 Life seems very easy to distinguish. 38 00:06:10,079 --> 00:06:13,120 And we know something is alive by just see it. 39 00:06:28,319 --> 00:06:32,079 Along our journey we meet many dead seagulls. 40 00:06:33,879 --> 00:06:37,920 And many chicks they do not how to fly. 41 00:06:43,800 --> 00:06:48,439 To decide between the living and the inanimate seems very easy. 42 00:06:50,959 --> 00:06:55,160 But we will find it is not easy at all. 43 00:06:57,920 --> 00:07:00,480 Ricardo, would you explain what is life? 44 00:07:03,680 --> 00:07:08,959 Minds so privileged as Lynn Margulis, or the Nobel Prize Schrödinger wrote books 45 00:07:08,959 --> 00:07:10,959 trying to establish the definition of life, and they failed. 46 00:07:13,560 --> 00:07:25,600 This is a problem for Biology. We can separate and analyze the components of life, we know all macromolecules inside cells... 47 00:07:25,600 --> 00:07:31,720 We can synthesize them ...but if we mix them, like does not surge. 48 00:07:34,000 --> 00:07:39,199 Scientists can not make life in their laboratories. 49 00:07:40,240 --> 00:07:43,279 The Frankenstein myth is out of reach of science. 50 00:07:45,680 --> 00:07:50,600 Many believe life surged in an ocean like the one we have in front. 51 00:07:58,240 --> 00:08:07,800 Could it happened spontaneously in a place like this billion of years ago? 52 00:08:20,680 --> 00:08:30,040 The classic models suggest life originated in submarine volcanoes 53 00:08:30,040 --> 00:08:32,039 where gases and basic components, by chemical reactions,produced the bricks of life. 54 00:08:35,000 --> 00:08:40,519 The more we back on time, the more diffuse the line gets between the inanimate and the living. 55 00:08:46,799 --> 00:08:56,200 To show it, Ricardo brings me to an extraordinary place, built in basalt column, where things are not what they suppose to be. 56 00:09:14,399 --> 00:09:18,279 Are virus alive? 57 00:09:21,279 --> 00:09:24,600 This is a debatable question for virologists. 58 00:09:25,080 --> 00:09:28,840 For some they are alive, for others not. 59 00:09:28,840 --> 00:09:32,600 But virus can not reproduce by themselves, what is a fundamental property of life. 60 00:09:33,080 --> 00:09:36,840 And here we hace a nice sample. 61 00:09:36,840 --> 00:09:40,440 These are minerals, basalt, mineral structures. 62 00:09:40,440 --> 00:09:43,480 Minerals can reproduce by themselves, but they are not alive. 63 00:09:58,480 --> 00:10:03,559 This is a invisible Universe in everything, earth, the seas, the atmosphere. 64 00:10:05,200 --> 00:10:07,919 A single gram of soil can contain a billion of bacteria. 65 00:10:17,879 --> 00:10:25,000 But if the first cells appear in the ocean, they left no clues. 66 00:10:28,519 --> 00:10:34,000 And Ricardo suggests that perhaps life could not happen there. 67 00:10:39,919 --> 00:10:47,360 To solve this mystery, we have to travel to another place, that is very different. 68 00:10:50,840 --> 00:10:55,600 A place that still preserve the conditions when life appeared. 69 00:10:55,600 --> 00:10:58,919 Iniciation. 70 00:11:04,159 --> 00:11:11,879 Before the trip, we decide to take a rest in Reikiavik. 71 00:11:16,120 --> 00:11:21,759 Few things are better than talking about science while listening jazz and blues. 72 00:11:32,159 --> 00:11:40,440 After, while we are taking a good hot soap, Ricardo talk about the primordial soup of life. 73 00:11:42,960 --> 00:11:50,519 And he mentions the work of one of his colleagues, Dave Deamer. 74 00:11:52,879 --> 00:11:59,840 Deamer has investigated for decades one of the biggest mysteries. 75 00:12:02,679 --> 00:12:07,879 Hod did the first living cells manage to protect themselves? 76 00:12:10,399 --> 00:12:16,600 Deamer discovered that the oceans did not provide the conditions for the making of membranes. 77 00:12:16,600 --> 00:12:19,759 Where did it happen? 78 00:12:21,639 --> 00:12:27,559 The next day, we begin our trip to an extraordinary place, searching for answers. 79 00:12:43,399 --> 00:12:50,720 Close to the highlands of Iceland, we find a world strongly affected by wild winds. 80 00:13:02,960 --> 00:13:08,759 It's very cold, but fumaroles around us exhale heat and vapor. 81 00:13:10,840 --> 00:13:17,200 In their borders, Nature draws beautiful pictures that seem impressionist paintings, with an hypnotic attraction. 82 00:13:24,840 --> 00:13:31,360 Abd we finally arrive at a precious blue colored hot pond. 83 00:13:31,360 --> 00:13:35,240 Did life start in a place like this? 84 00:13:37,879 --> 00:13:47,000 160 years ago, Darwin wrote a letter to a colleague that described the possibility that life in a place like this 85 00:13:47,600 --> 00:13:54,440 A hot lagoon like this, that contained the different components necessary for life to emerge. 86 00:14:03,000 --> 00:14:08,200 Ricardo, which ingredients are necessary for life to surge? 87 00:14:10,360 --> 00:14:20,120 The fundamental elements for life are nucleic acids, information, and proteins, that make the cellular components 88 00:14:20,120 --> 00:14:29,679 And specially the membranes, they are the barriers that separates the living things from the rest. 89 00:14:29,679 --> 00:14:34,080 This is essential to concentrate the elements inside than can work. 90 00:14:35,759 --> 00:14:46,279 My colleague and friend Dave Deamer, from the California University, has been working here. 91 00:14:46,279 --> 00:14:54,000 He has investigated, under the conditions we find here, how the components of life surged, and very specially, the membranes. 92 00:14:54,600 --> 00:14:57,840 What if we call him, and talk about all these issues? 93 00:14:57,840 --> 00:14:59,559 It is an excellent idea. 94 00:14:59,559 --> 00:15:01,559 Lets talk with him. 95 00:15:03,240 --> 00:15:06,919 Hello David. How are you? 96 00:15:06,919 --> 00:15:11,600 I know you had been here taking samples to make your experiments about membrane synthesis. 97 00:15:12,240 --> 00:15:20,960 Surely you enjoyed a much better weather, not like now, with all this strong winds that make almost impossible to work. 98 00:15:26,679 --> 00:15:28,679 Happy to meet you Ricardo. 99 00:15:28,679 --> 00:15:30,679 This morning, probably your evening. 100 00:15:32,039 --> 00:15:34,039 Wellcome to Iceland. 101 00:15:34,559 --> 00:15:37,759 I stayed there last summer for a couple of weeks. 102 00:15:40,000 --> 00:15:43,000 I can guarantee your experience is going to be spectacular. 103 00:15:56,879 --> 00:16:00,559 I walked along numerous hot springs. 104 00:16:02,559 --> 00:16:07,759 Is one of the most beautiful places to find them. 105 00:16:09,159 --> 00:16:13,000 While I was walking it came some of the ideas that are now part of my research. 106 00:16:13,879 --> 00:16:17,039 You are in this amazing landscape of a volcanic island. 107 00:16:17,440 --> 00:16:19,440 coming up from hot magma. 108 00:16:19,519 --> 00:16:27,279 underneath driving the volcanism that is just constant in the Icelandic background. 109 00:16:30,240 --> 00:16:35,759 Deamer is convinced that, in a site like this, life was cooked. 110 00:16:39,240 --> 00:16:42,279 Life is written by nucleic acids, instructions 111 00:16:45,480 --> 00:16:50,480 They are instructions manuals for microscopic organisms, 112 00:16:50,799 --> 00:16:52,799 Icelandic horses. 113 00:16:52,799 --> 00:16:54,799 Us. 114 00:16:55,039 --> 00:16:58,639 Every living being has its written genetic code. 115 00:16:58,639 --> 00:17:04,720 But this amazing amount of information is packed in these very long molecules. 116 00:17:06,680 --> 00:17:16,519 If we unroll all the DNA of a person, we could travel to the moon and back to Earth about 150.000 times. 117 00:17:20,960 --> 00:17:23,680 How did this extraordinary molecules emerge? 118 00:17:25,599 --> 00:17:31,960 It must had a source of energy capable of making polymers. 119 00:17:33,359 --> 00:17:35,359 And we are all familiar with polymers. 120 00:17:36,720 --> 00:17:40,720 Polyester, polystyrene, polyethylene. 121 00:17:44,279 --> 00:17:47,559 I suspect the shirt that I am wearing contains polyethylene. 122 00:17:49,119 --> 00:17:54,079 Believe or not, your nucleic acids are also polyesters. 123 00:18:08,119 --> 00:18:13,519 It is extraordinary that the ester linkages, that hold nucleic acids together 124 00:18:13,920 --> 00:18:21,119 To make these long linear molecules are nothing but a single molecule bond called ester. 125 00:18:21,200 --> 00:18:30,200 Imagine that this finger is a molecule of acid and the other is an alcohol 126 00:18:31,039 --> 00:18:36,440 If I put them together, it makes an ester bond. 127 00:18:36,480 --> 00:18:42,279 What we are doing in the laboratory and in the field is making ester bonds. 128 00:18:53,759 --> 00:18:57,720 We take shelter of the strong winds to eat something hot. 129 00:18:58,480 --> 00:19:01,960 So these hot springs we saw are similar to this soup. 130 00:19:02,519 --> 00:19:07,880 And this soup could contain the temperature, the water and the necessary ingredients... 131 00:19:08,920 --> 00:19:12,680 That is, what we have here is very similar to... 132 00:19:12,680 --> 00:19:14,680 ...to the cuisine of Life. 133 00:19:14,680 --> 00:19:16,680 The cuisine of life, how it emerged. 134 00:19:17,160 --> 00:19:27,160 And Deamer actually believes that the origin of life is an act of cuisine. 135 00:19:27,160 --> 00:19:28,680 To have the adequate ingredientes to make life possible. 136 00:19:29,920 --> 00:19:36,839 Deamer formed a singular team with his colleague, Dr. Bruce Damer, at California University in Santa Cruz. 137 00:19:40,039 --> 00:19:46,279 They tested their findings in the laboratory at places like Iceland and New Zealand. 138 00:19:54,599 --> 00:20:02,799 These pioneers reproduce, in a primitive Nature, the chemical reactions that made life possible billion of years ago. 139 00:20:07,160 --> 00:20:09,160 I was in Hell Cape, north of New Zealand. 140 00:20:11,039 --> 00:20:16,440 We made experiments there try to reproduce what we see in our laboratory. 141 00:20:18,839 --> 00:20:21,960 Is the next stage of research in our research. 142 00:20:23,920 --> 00:20:32,000 See if what we got in the laboratory actually can work in these sites. 143 00:20:32,559 --> 00:20:37,839 We call analog sites to what the Earth had before life. 144 00:20:38,559 --> 00:20:42,640 Four billion years ago at the beginning of life on Earth. 145 00:20:48,160 --> 00:20:51,559 Life emerged under two conditions. 146 00:20:53,119 --> 00:20:57,920 It needed very long molecules to hold the information 147 00:21:00,440 --> 00:21:03,920 And it learned to protect itself from the outside by developing a membrane. 148 00:21:16,160 --> 00:21:22,000 Strong winds outside, cold, extreme conditions... 149 00:21:23,200 --> 00:21:28,279 Despite of this, you insist that life, something we consider a fragile thing, 150 00:21:28,400 --> 00:21:32,079 Life is on the knive edge, is very close to death. 151 00:21:32,359 --> 00:21:38,039 Despite these extreme conditions, you are convinced that life emerged in a place like this. 152 00:21:38,559 --> 00:21:42,720 There is no doubt life emerged in extreme conditions. 153 00:21:42,839 --> 00:21:48,599 In the time of life origins, the planet has a strong volcanic activity. 154 00:21:48,839 --> 00:21:51,759 The conditions were very hard. 155 00:21:53,960 --> 00:21:55,960 But it is not true that life is a fragile thing. 156 00:21:56,400 --> 00:21:59,759 Life adapts very easily to extreme conditions 157 00:22:00,440 --> 00:22:02,680 Today we have found that is associated to volcanic activity. 158 00:22:03,359 --> 00:22:05,359 Darwin predicted it. 159 00:22:06,240 --> 00:22:12,119 In his Beagle voyages, he visited salinas, very salty places, and observed life in those. 160 00:22:12,880 --> 00:22:18,039 And he deduced the following. 161 00:22:19,400 --> 00:22:21,400 If life exists in these conditions 162 00:22:21,880 --> 00:22:27,400 It should be life in the coldest places 163 00:22:28,559 --> 00:22:31,920 It should be life at the top of the mountains. 164 00:22:32,720 --> 00:22:34,720 And it should be life in the interior of the Earth. 165 00:22:51,359 --> 00:22:58,720 It must happened a physics to form things as ordinary as simples as soup bubbles. 166 00:22:58,720 --> 00:23:06,839 Molecules which are fatty acids in the original soup. Everybody use soup from centuries ago. 167 00:23:07,440 --> 00:23:12,400 Fatty acids can make membranes we call bubbles. 168 00:23:13,160 --> 00:23:19,160 Those same fatty acids in water they produce what we call microscopic membranes. 169 00:23:23,920 --> 00:23:28,880 We call them lipid vesicles or liposomes. 170 00:23:29,839 --> 00:23:31,839 And occurs spontaneously. 171 00:23:33,200 --> 00:23:36,319 I happens in the laboratory and in the field. 172 00:23:36,920 --> 00:23:41,319 If lipids are presents, polymers are encapsulated. 173 00:23:50,319 --> 00:23:52,920 So that is the way it happened. 174 00:23:53,480 --> 00:23:57,319 Very long molecules that hold information assembled... 175 00:24:01,519 --> 00:24:04,519 And they were protected by membranes similar to soup bubbles. 176 00:24:19,599 --> 00:24:22,599 And life made its way. 177 00:24:38,200 --> 00:24:42,039 Ricard take us to a place where life confronts extreme conditions. 178 00:24:45,559 --> 00:24:47,559 It's another World. 179 00:24:53,440 --> 00:24:55,440 Lost Worlds. 180 00:24:59,480 --> 00:25:02,559 Smelling to rotten eggs and sulphur is everywhere. 181 00:25:05,759 --> 00:25:07,759 For this detective that searches for answers, 182 00:25:09,599 --> 00:25:17,119 ...the place is almost a time travel where smog threatens to erase all details to our cameras. 183 00:25:21,160 --> 00:25:23,160 We are at Seltun, Iceland 184 00:25:24,200 --> 00:25:28,039 One of the best extreme places to study the origin of life. 185 00:25:29,119 --> 00:25:35,920 And here we can see organisms adapted to live in such extreme conditions 186 00:25:36,599 --> 00:25:41,960 H igh temperature, very low acidity, and even high concentration of heavy metals. 187 00:25:55,559 --> 00:25:59,880 We are surrounded by vapor and acid everywhere. 188 00:26:04,079 --> 00:26:08,759 What can survive in these poisonous ponds? 189 00:26:11,200 --> 00:26:13,200 Here we can see algae... 190 00:26:13,759 --> 00:26:19,240 Easy to identify by the green color of the chlorophyll 191 00:26:20,000 --> 00:26:23,519 They are surely making photosynthesis in an extreme environment like this. 192 00:26:25,519 --> 00:26:28,839 These are boiling waters and very acid. 193 00:26:31,319 --> 00:26:35,839 The probe of Ricardo reveals their temperature, more than 84 celsius centigrades. 194 00:26:38,599 --> 00:26:42,279 Their corrosive power destroy metals. 195 00:26:45,559 --> 00:26:48,640 What it can survive nearby? 196 00:26:50,799 --> 00:26:57,079 We have here a nice example of the extreme conditions of this volcanic area. 197 00:26:58,359 --> 00:27:04,640 We can see, in water at high temperature, it is boiling because of the volcanic activity 198 00:27:05,200 --> 00:27:10,960 We see patches of green algae that are growing in the surroundings. 199 00:27:12,440 --> 00:27:17,039 The are probably taking advantage of the heat and the emissions of CO2 200 00:27:17,519 --> 00:27:22,799 And the hydrogen sulfide that is oxidized, making all the surroundings of sulphuric acid. 201 00:27:28,759 --> 00:27:36,119 After this finding, smog invades again this Lost World. 202 00:27:49,079 --> 00:27:54,519 Ricard talks about an acid lake that is very important for the origin of life. 203 00:27:55,440 --> 00:27:59,480 We can barely distinguish its shore because of the bad weather. 204 00:28:02,079 --> 00:28:09,000 Despite the rain and the winds, the team is determined to shoot. 205 00:28:09,680 --> 00:28:12,759 Smog is everywhere. 206 00:28:13,000 --> 00:28:15,000 Lethal Lake 207 00:28:16,640 --> 00:28:21,279 While we are walking, Ricardo tells me an extraordinary story. 208 00:28:22,200 --> 00:28:24,920 This lake is lethal for most living things 209 00:28:25,559 --> 00:28:28,160 But not for all. 210 00:28:30,680 --> 00:28:35,319 Next day, the smog vanishes, and we decide to get a try. 211 00:28:45,839 --> 00:28:51,200 We could not imagine the marvelous we would find. 212 00:28:54,599 --> 00:29:00,119 The turquoise color waters of the Graenavath lake shines as a precious stone. 213 00:29:19,720 --> 00:29:27,400 We are at the Graenavath lake, Iceland. Ricardo, why you drove us here? 214 00:29:29,039 --> 00:29:32,799 You can see this is a lake that has a very special color. 215 00:29:33,119 --> 00:29:35,119 It is acid. 216 00:29:36,640 --> 00:29:39,680 It has a very low acidity because of the volcanic activity 217 00:29:40,720 --> 00:29:43,319 It is in a volcanic cone. 218 00:29:45,559 --> 00:29:50,799 We have found here a microorganism, a bacteria called Acidiphilium. 219 00:29:50,960 --> 00:29:54,279 It can live with and without oxygen. 220 00:29:54,720 --> 00:29:58,480 So here is the home of a living beings that possibly do not have oxygen 221 00:29:58,720 --> 00:30:03,920 They are surrounded by sulphur, and despite of all, they get comfort. 222 00:30:04,960 --> 00:30:08,720 This is a predilect place for them. 223 00:30:11,559 --> 00:30:14,440 And the most interest of all, this lake is a Mars analog. 224 00:30:15,480 --> 00:30:24,759 The lake is in a volcanic cone, the minerals, the kind of life that lives here... 225 00:30:25,519 --> 00:30:31,480 It is a place that shows how was Mars a long time ago. 226 00:30:34,720 --> 00:30:38,599 While we are walking, I imagine this could be a Martian lake. 227 00:30:38,960 --> 00:30:43,440 A lake born from a Volcano many millions of years ago. 228 00:30:55,880 --> 00:31:02,559 This strange bacteria could survive in the red planet. 229 00:31:19,680 --> 00:31:26,519 We have a time machine to travel to the past of the primitive Earth. 230 00:31:28,559 --> 00:31:35,519 Being the witness of how a volcano is born. 231 00:32:19,039 --> 00:32:22,079 Six months later. 232 00:32:25,200 --> 00:32:31,160 I have always thought bacteria are smarter than we believe. 233 00:32:34,680 --> 00:32:38,880 They have dominated our world since billion of years ago. 234 00:32:46,079 --> 00:32:54,480 It seems crazy, but there is no doubt the evolved into us. 235 00:32:56,279 --> 00:33:06,000 And the volcanoes cooked the necessary ingredients to produce them. 236 00:33:07,359 --> 00:33:12,440 While I am walking, I imagine I see a primitive Earth. 237 00:33:12,640 --> 00:33:21,799 And sometimes I think bacteria could have emerged in similar landscapes of other worlds. 238 00:33:40,799 --> 00:33:47,759 There is another possibility for the origin of life, apart from the vapor of hot springs. 239 00:33:48,519 --> 00:33:50,519 The Cold. 240 00:33:51,039 --> 00:33:53,039 Life that came from the Cold. 241 00:33:57,559 --> 00:34:00,599 Did life emerged in the ice? 242 00:34:01,799 --> 00:34:04,960 In temperatures below zero? 243 00:34:09,840 --> 00:34:15,920 Ricardo proposes to travel to one of the biggest glaciers in the world. 244 00:34:21,360 --> 00:34:27,440 And while we drive to the north, he tells me an extraordinary story. 245 00:34:28,519 --> 00:34:33,440 An experiment that started in a laboratory, where a Chemist called Stanley Miller 246 00:34:33,800 --> 00:34:44,400 And his pupil, Jeffrey Bada, put ammonia and cyanid in a test tube, and froze it for 25 years. 247 00:34:47,480 --> 00:34:57,519 I did not know about this, until Stanley told me while we had dinner. 248 00:35:01,079 --> 00:35:09,559 He mentioned a set of tubes with a mixture of ammonia and cyanide freezes during 25 years. 249 00:35:11,360 --> 00:35:22,400 I almost dropped my fork. I told him, what? After 25 years, it is time to stop! 250 00:35:29,079 --> 00:35:33,559 The first thing I saw is that the tubes were brown. 251 00:35:35,480 --> 00:35:42,000 We found amino acids and nucleic bases. 252 00:35:43,079 --> 00:35:52,199 We never expected them to surge at -25 C below zero. 253 00:35:53,599 --> 00:35:57,760 Even there was a test tube that was at -75 celsius degrees. 254 00:35:59,880 --> 00:36:02,760 The cold sculpted the bricks of Life. 255 00:36:04,559 --> 00:36:08,760 Nucleic bases, the genetic code. 256 00:36:11,400 --> 00:36:15,599 Also aminoacd, that build up proteins 257 00:36:19,280 --> 00:36:24,360 Nature sculpts surprising forms in the surroundings. 258 00:36:25,840 --> 00:36:29,440 A grand piano cover made on ice and battled by the sea waves. 259 00:36:32,719 --> 00:36:35,760 The head of a jaguar. 260 00:36:40,960 --> 00:36:47,480 Once Inside this glaciar cave, I remember what happened in those frozen tube test. 261 00:36:49,039 --> 00:36:53,800 Ice, water and the passing time. 262 00:36:55,280 --> 00:37:01,079 If 25 years of intense cold were enough to produce some of the bricks of life... 263 00:37:02,760 --> 00:37:07,679 What the million of years were able to create? 264 00:37:08,159 --> 00:37:11,760 The evolution created us, organic intelligence forms. 265 00:37:14,440 --> 00:37:19,679 We arrive at Jökulsárlón, one of the biggest glaciar lakes in the world. 266 00:37:24,800 --> 00:37:29,280 It is easy to let your eyes wander in this iced landscape. 267 00:37:53,719 --> 00:37:59,800 In this moment I understand that the ice open doors to new worlds. 268 00:38:12,079 --> 00:38:18,280 Fantastic frozen worlds where everything could be possible. 269 00:38:20,280 --> 00:38:26,480 We are at Jökulsárlón, an spectacular glacial lake. 270 00:38:28,119 --> 00:38:35,800 This is a particular ecosystem, with an analogy of life in another planets, isn't it Ricardo? 271 00:38:37,199 --> 00:38:49,440 We are at Iceland, very volcanic, so it is very likely that under that glacier, it would be enough heat to melt ice 272 00:38:50,639 --> 00:38:58,440 And produce subterranean lakes equivalent to those you could find in Europa, a moon of Jupiter, or Encedalus. 273 00:39:00,840 --> 00:39:10,719 Distant words where, despite the cold, they could harbor oceans under ice caps of kilometers of thickness. 274 00:39:14,719 --> 00:39:23,559 Probes have detected in Europa, one of the Jupiter moons, plumes of what seems water vapor. 275 00:39:24,639 --> 00:39:31,880 Like gigantic geysers that make its way through kilometers of ice. 276 00:39:34,239 --> 00:39:39,599 How liquid water can occur in those cold planets? 277 00:39:39,800 --> 00:39:42,239 Where the heat does come from? 278 00:39:43,360 --> 00:39:45,360 In Europa, and probably in Encedalus, 279 00:39:45,800 --> 00:39:52,320 It is not the heat by itself, is the eccentricity of the orbit of the moon around Jupiter,. 280 00:39:54,840 --> 00:39:59,159 that produces very energetic tides. 281 00:40:01,280 --> 00:40:07,800 It is not the heat by itself, is the eccentricity of the orbit of the moon around Jupiter,. 282 00:40:07,800 --> 00:40:13,880 The tides of Jupiter are very powerful I guess, much more than the tides of the moon here. 283 00:40:14,840 --> 00:40:20,360 It is not only the size what matters, is the eccentricity of the orbit. 284 00:40:20,360 --> 00:40:24,119 The type of twist of the moon. 285 00:40:24,320 --> 00:40:26,320 I understand, is a very eccentric orbit 286 00:40:29,719 --> 00:40:35,360 If life exists in those world, they are presumed to be bacteria, Ricardo affirms. 287 00:40:38,480 --> 00:40:47,320 Bacteria have been isolated in the ice of the glaciers, and even in the ice of the drinks we take. 288 00:40:52,920 --> 00:40:59,000 But even the simplest bacteria is a gigantic step forward in evolution. 289 00:41:04,880 --> 00:41:12,280 During this trip, a question it is on my mind. 290 00:41:14,079 --> 00:41:19,440 How long took life to create a humble bacteria? 291 00:41:20,079 --> 00:41:22,360 After exploring beaches of black sand, 292 00:41:24,280 --> 00:41:26,280 glacial lakes 293 00:41:26,880 --> 00:41:28,880 hot springs 294 00:41:34,360 --> 00:41:40,440 and volcanic ashes, Ricardo had a surprise for me. 295 00:41:43,840 --> 00:41:45,840 Ricardo, you head is in somewhere else. 296 00:41:46,480 --> 00:41:51,239 You are right. Iceland is fascinating, its hot spring, the world of sulphur. 297 00:41:51,880 --> 00:41:55,760 There is no doubt it is very interesting concerning the origin of life. 298 00:41:56,239 --> 00:41:58,719 But I am going to bring you to another place. 299 00:41:58,719 --> 00:42:00,719 Where are we going now? 300 00:42:00,800 --> 00:42:02,800 First I have to show you something. 301 00:42:03,559 --> 00:42:05,559 What do you see here? 302 00:42:14,920 --> 00:42:20,719 I tell you Ricardo, this is lunch time, and what I see here is a dish of macaroni with tomato. 303 00:42:21,519 --> 00:42:23,519 This is not tomato macaroni. 304 00:42:24,719 --> 00:42:31,840 This is hematite, the product of extraction of energy by microorganism that live in certain conditions. 305 00:42:33,039 --> 00:42:35,039 Hematite, this is the first time I hear it. 306 00:42:35,079 --> 00:42:38,400 Hematite is an iron oxide. 307 00:42:39,360 --> 00:42:43,119 It is produced when bacteria oxidizes pyrite. 308 00:42:43,119 --> 00:42:46,559 Pyrite is made by volcanoes. 309 00:42:47,199 --> 00:42:49,480 But this still seem to me tomato macaroni. 310 00:42:51,440 --> 00:42:55,920 What would you say about how old are these microorganisms? 311 00:42:56,679 --> 00:42:58,679 No idea, Ricardo, I do not know. 312 00:42:59,760 --> 00:43:08,320 The recent research that produced this image estimate that the age is 4.2 billion years ago. 313 00:43:09,599 --> 00:43:14,039 4.2 billion years? They are almost as old as the same Earth! 314 00:43:14,039 --> 00:43:16,039 Earth has about 4.5 billion years old! 315 00:43:16,360 --> 00:43:22,000 Right. So what it follows is that life emerged very quickly on our planet. 316 00:43:23,119 --> 00:43:25,119 Yes, it took about 300 million years to emerge. 317 00:43:26,000 --> 00:43:29,880 Ricardo, where these structures were found? 318 00:43:30,400 --> 00:43:34,440 These tubules were found in Quebec, in Canada. 319 00:43:34,920 --> 00:43:36,920 So are we going there? 320 00:43:37,159 --> 00:43:44,119 No. I am going to bring you to a much more interesting place where this phenomenon is happening while we are talking. 321 00:43:45,000 --> 00:43:48,039 So let's go! 322 00:44:07,119 --> 00:44:10,519 Río Tinto, a Spanish town in the province of Huelva 323 00:44:10,760 --> 00:44:14,519 holds one of the biggest copper mine in open sky. 324 00:44:24,960 --> 00:44:30,880 I am the special envoy of Ricardo to track here a critical clue about the origin of life. 325 00:44:33,880 --> 00:44:35,880 Life burns energy. 326 00:44:36,519 --> 00:44:38,519 And it produces waste. 327 00:44:39,159 --> 00:44:41,159 Fingerprints. 328 00:44:43,599 --> 00:44:47,480 I am searching for the artists that made these fascinating tomato macaroni. 329 00:44:48,719 --> 00:44:54,639 They could be the oldest inhabitants, almost as old as our planet. 330 00:45:01,039 --> 00:45:05,880 Ricardo wants me to explore the river where the mine take its name. 331 00:45:05,920 --> 00:45:08,639 El Río Tinto 332 00:45:09,880 --> 00:45:13,519 It is the most enigmatic place I have never seen. 333 00:45:14,599 --> 00:45:16,599 Blood River 334 00:45:17,960 --> 00:45:21,960 Sulphur smelling is very intense. 335 00:45:22,960 --> 00:45:26,800 A surprise awaits in every step. 336 00:45:32,679 --> 00:45:37,280 The river makes a pond. 337 00:45:44,719 --> 00:45:48,920 Its waters are of a very intense dark red color. 338 00:46:03,599 --> 00:46:07,440 It is like the blood that comes from the interior of the Earth. 339 00:46:09,400 --> 00:46:15,280 Without fishes, frogs, or aquatic insects. 340 00:46:16,440 --> 00:46:21,760 Only the sound of the hot breeze against the pine acículas. 341 00:46:35,480 --> 00:46:40,119 Ricardo recombined not to touch these acid waters. 342 00:46:49,960 --> 00:46:53,119 They burn like sulphuric acid. 343 00:46:53,760 --> 00:46:56,920 There are curious yellow lumps like popcorns. 344 00:46:57,920 --> 00:47:00,920 Nevertheless, I detect some life in the waters. 345 00:47:02,159 --> 00:47:05,559 Vegetable filaments that wave. 346 00:47:06,119 --> 00:47:11,159 Green lumps of algae in the nearby rocks similar to what we found in Iceland. 347 00:47:19,000 --> 00:47:20,960 After walking dozens of kilometers, 348 00:47:21,119 --> 00:47:23,079 my suspicions are confirmed. 349 00:47:23,079 --> 00:47:25,719 The river maintains intact its personality along its course. 350 00:47:25,760 --> 00:47:28,760 Its smelling and color. 351 00:47:35,719 --> 00:47:41,039 Even downstream, while we are approaching to the river mouth, at the end of the day. 352 00:47:44,280 --> 00:47:50,960 Ricard explained that the river maintains its low acidity along its 100 kilometer course. 353 00:47:52,079 --> 00:47:54,079 Even in heavy raining. 354 00:47:54,920 --> 00:47:59,400 It is an astounding river, unique. And must be preserved. 355 00:47:59,440 --> 00:48:03,000 I have never seen anything like this in all my life. 356 00:48:06,079 --> 00:48:11,559 Ricardo let me a map to reach the birth of the river the following morning. 357 00:48:12,199 --> 00:48:16,039 I follow the creek or red and yellow waters. 358 00:48:16,039 --> 00:48:18,039 I take a way to my left to go up. 359 00:48:30,719 --> 00:48:34,480 And a reach a debris hill of stones. 360 00:48:46,039 --> 00:48:50,639 Is it here where this mystery is born? 361 00:49:00,800 --> 00:49:06,159 Ricardo is back again among the ruins of the old mine installations in Zarandas. 362 00:49:18,760 --> 00:49:25,559 A site that seems the scene of a dystopic film, surrounded by destruction. 363 00:49:26,639 --> 00:49:28,639 Reencounter 364 00:49:28,800 --> 00:49:30,800 Also, the place we meet again. 365 00:49:42,840 --> 00:49:47,480 Iron oxide is present everywhere. 366 00:49:48,079 --> 00:49:56,920 But its effects are even more impressive in the oldest train machines, railways and wagons. 367 00:50:00,760 --> 00:50:07,559 Iron is corroded in such a grade I have never seen before. 368 00:50:07,559 --> 00:50:10,880 A world dominated by corrosion. 369 00:50:14,639 --> 00:50:17,679 The universe of Iron 370 00:50:21,360 --> 00:50:27,039 Hello Ricardo. From the greenish blue Iceland landscape 371 00:50:27,159 --> 00:50:30,760 you bring me to one of the sites more oxidized of the Earth. 372 00:50:30,760 --> 00:50:34,679 I promised you. I told you I will bring you to a place where there is action on iron. 373 00:50:34,679 --> 00:50:40,760 You are seeing here all the oxidized material from trains because of the action of microorganisms. 374 00:50:42,519 --> 00:50:44,519 For many years people ignored them. 375 00:50:44,519 --> 00:50:47,440 They did not know that this oxidation was produced by biology. 376 00:50:47,880 --> 00:50:50,960 But today everything is well documented and researched. 377 00:50:50,960 --> 00:50:56,599 Amazing! So it is not the oxygen the culprit, but the bacteria. 378 00:50:56,599 --> 00:50:58,599 That is correct. 379 00:50:58,599 --> 00:51:00,599 Lets see some of them. 380 00:51:00,599 --> 00:51:02,599 I am going to show you my river. 381 00:51:19,239 --> 00:51:24,320 The Man and the River. 382 00:51:32,119 --> 00:51:37,760 Ricardo is the scientific guardian of this extraordinary river 383 00:51:39,559 --> 00:51:43,880 Thanks to it he made a career as an astrobiologist. 384 00:51:48,199 --> 00:51:50,199 The River Guardian 385 00:51:50,199 --> 00:51:54,679 He has the keys of its secrets. 386 00:51:57,800 --> 00:52:01,559 As I suspected, the Río Tinto is too far to be considered a dead river. 387 00:52:04,239 --> 00:52:10,360 This river is amazing, but I can not see fishes, frogs or birds. 388 00:52:12,360 --> 00:52:15,360 You will never see them. 389 00:52:15,360 --> 00:52:19,559 Obviously this is a river that does not have the type of life you could find in any other river. 390 00:52:20,400 --> 00:52:23,119 Here there are only microorganisms, they are impossible to see. 391 00:52:25,119 --> 00:52:29,719 The reason is because all the eucariotas, excepting the algae you can see, 392 00:52:29,719 --> 00:52:34,159 They can not live because of the acidity and heavy metal content of the waters of the river. 393 00:52:35,239 --> 00:52:40,320 The classic idea is that this is a polluted river. 394 00:52:40,320 --> 00:52:44,960 A byproduct of the industrial pollution that comes from the mine. 395 00:52:44,960 --> 00:52:47,599 But this is the best way to refuse this argument. 396 00:52:47,599 --> 00:52:49,599 In the oldest terraces of the river 397 00:52:52,239 --> 00:52:55,400 similar of what we are seeing here, in Berrocal 398 00:52:55,400 --> 00:52:58,519 has been dated, and they are 8 millions old. 399 00:52:58,840 --> 00:53:05,719 Eight millions years ago there were no miners taking metals in any mine of the world. 400 00:53:05,719 --> 00:53:10,360 So is there any manner to know if the river is polluted or not? 401 00:53:10,360 --> 00:53:14,119 The important issue is to find the origin of the river. 402 00:53:14,119 --> 00:53:18,800 We have been searching for it in the last years 403 00:53:18,800 --> 00:53:22,119 And we demonstrated that the river is a by product of a subterranean bioreactor. 404 00:53:22,119 --> 00:53:27,760 Where microorganisms that burn metallic sulfides to obtain energy 405 00:53:27,760 --> 00:53:30,800 From the pyrite Iberian deposits, that are very rich on pyrite. 406 00:53:30,800 --> 00:53:38,400 They are very happy! They eat the pyrite and then they defecate sulphuric acid and ferric ion. 407 00:53:38,400 --> 00:53:40,800 and this is what you see in the river. 408 00:53:40,800 --> 00:53:44,000 So we can conclude that under all of this, 409 00:53:44,000 --> 00:53:47,199 there is a biological reactor, a fabric of life. 410 00:53:47,199 --> 00:53:49,199 That is right. 411 00:53:49,199 --> 00:53:54,400 Is what we call the Dark World. It is a kind of life that does not need sunlight or photosynthesis. 412 00:53:54,400 --> 00:53:58,440 Something we see that happens in the surface of the planet. 413 00:53:58,440 --> 00:53:59,840 But this is happening under our feet, in the underground. 414 00:53:59,840 --> 00:54:02,760 And this is the Dark World you talked about in Iceland. 415 00:54:02,840 --> 00:54:06,719 That is correct, and that is why I have brought you here, to show my Río Tinto. 416 00:54:13,400 --> 00:54:17,280 Algae are the most visible signal of life in these waters. 417 00:54:19,360 --> 00:54:21,360 This is a multi parametric probe. 418 00:54:22,599 --> 00:54:25,960 We are going to measure the acidity, the pH. 419 00:54:25,960 --> 00:54:29,599 We can se that the pH is maintained along the course of the river. 420 00:54:29,599 --> 00:54:33,440 We are just in the middle of the course of the river. 421 00:54:33,440 --> 00:54:36,320 After we can go where the river is born and measure its pH. 422 00:54:36,320 --> 00:54:39,039 Put the probe in the water. 423 00:54:44,039 --> 00:54:46,039 The pH is 2.5. 424 00:54:48,320 --> 00:54:52,880 Shake it a little and again, 425 00:54:57,760 --> 00:55:00,199 Yes, the pH is 2.5. 426 00:55:00,199 --> 00:55:06,000 Ricardo tells me about other important survivors, apart from algae and bacteria. 427 00:55:10,000 --> 00:55:19,320 In 2022, his team of Center Of Molecular Biology Severo Ochoa (CSIC) took samples in different parts of the river. 428 00:55:21,119 --> 00:55:29,119 We sent the samples to Frank Fox, one of the best micro cinematographers of the world, at Konz, Germany. 429 00:55:30,320 --> 00:55:35,519 Unfortunately, the samples were delayed and remain in obscurity during al most a week. 430 00:55:39,199 --> 00:55:43,440 First results were discouraging. 431 00:55:43,840 --> 00:55:47,000 Skeletal landscapes of dead algae and dying diatomea. 432 00:55:51,719 --> 00:55:54,880 But...surrounded by bacteria! 433 00:55:54,880 --> 00:55:59,960 The autthentic queens of Río Tinto. 434 00:56:04,000 --> 00:56:06,880 Some of them make twists 435 00:56:06,880 --> 00:56:10,039 like microscopic snakes. 436 00:56:13,800 --> 00:56:17,760 Despite the problems, Frank did not abandon. 437 00:56:19,480 --> 00:56:23,760 He added some water and exposed the samples to sunlight. 438 00:56:36,719 --> 00:56:42,960 Gradually, superior life started to flourish. 439 00:56:51,280 --> 00:56:59,400 An Euglena, an algae that resembles an animal, makes elegantly its way. 440 00:57:05,000 --> 00:57:13,559 A single amoeba tries to engulf the skeletal of a diatomea. 441 00:57:16,239 --> 00:57:20,000 This one has got a double prize, living algae. 442 00:57:25,599 --> 00:57:31,400 And a curious encounter between an amoeba and an Euglena, where no one wins. 443 00:57:36,239 --> 00:57:39,559 Within days, life start to flourish. 444 00:57:45,360 --> 00:57:47,360 These are ciliates of the genre Euplotes. 445 00:57:49,519 --> 00:57:53,280 They seem creatures from another planet. 446 00:57:58,559 --> 00:58:02,880 These protozoa move vividly and fast. 447 00:58:15,800 --> 00:58:20,920 This is a bombproof couple, never separate. 448 00:58:36,079 --> 00:58:40,280 Others explore the algae, like fishes swimming along coral reefs. 449 00:58:48,920 --> 00:58:53,239 Someone like to grow peacefully. 450 00:59:01,199 --> 00:59:08,880 Euglenas start to form vibrant colonies. 451 00:59:18,239 --> 00:59:22,239 And step by step, diversity grows. 452 00:59:27,000 --> 00:59:31,199 Heliozoa. They seem miniature stars creating rays. 453 00:59:34,760 --> 00:59:41,920 Even more than three months, some of the inhabitants of this river refuse to die. 454 00:59:50,079 --> 00:59:54,400 Under Frank's microscope, we witness the spectacle of the life of the Rio Tinto. 455 00:59:54,400 --> 00:59:58,599 As anyone has seen before. 456 01:00:20,360 --> 01:00:22,360 The Dark World. 457 01:00:30,199 --> 01:00:33,519 In our next move, we approach one of the gates of the Dark World. 458 01:00:37,800 --> 01:00:45,039 A gigantic crater of a diameter of 1200 meters and 300 meters deep. 459 01:00:47,559 --> 01:00:53,559 One of the biggest mines in the open sky of the world. 460 01:00:53,559 --> 01:00:57,159 Corta Atalaya. 461 01:00:58,960 --> 01:01:03,159 The terraces of 12 meters high shine in a brilliant orange in the morning. 462 01:01:06,119 --> 01:01:13,360 But our interest is below these dark waters 463 01:01:15,000 --> 01:01:17,000 The Dark World. 464 01:01:17,000 --> 01:01:20,119 To what depth can life survive here? 465 01:01:20,119 --> 01:01:24,800 This is the geological section of an flood mine 466 01:01:24,800 --> 01:01:28,239 You can see the level of the freatic water. 467 01:01:28,239 --> 01:01:35,480 This is the level of the water inside and that allows microorganisms to live under. 468 01:01:37,280 --> 01:01:45,199 What depth? Our team of the Astrobiology Center drilled a hole of 620 meters near here. 469 01:01:45,199 --> 01:01:52,639 And we have found life. And this is not the limit. We are convinced there is life even deeper. 470 01:01:53,119 --> 01:01:56,159 It is believed that the limit of life is the temperature. 471 01:01:57,280 --> 01:02:01,159 Temperature? So what is the temperature limit for living beings? 472 01:02:01,159 --> 01:02:08,280 In the laboratory it is possible to cultivate microorganisms at 132 celsius centigrate. 473 01:02:09,039 --> 01:02:12,840 That means you need a pressure cooker to cultivate them. 474 01:02:15,000 --> 01:02:21,440 Mine is now a tourism attraction. 475 01:02:21,440 --> 01:02:26,320 But Ricardo proposes me another gate for this World that no one knows like him. 476 01:02:28,840 --> 01:02:32,599 And this is the site of our last experiment. 477 01:02:34,400 --> 01:02:37,840 The birth of Río Tinto. 478 01:02:39,519 --> 01:02:43,119 The threshold of an inaccesible universe. 479 01:02:47,079 --> 01:02:50,519 Put it a bit deeper. 480 01:02:52,800 --> 01:02:54,800 The pH is only 2. 481 01:02:55,679 --> 01:02:59,719 This is much lower that the acidity we found in the intermediate part of the river. 482 01:03:07,519 --> 01:03:11,360 There is no river in the world like this. 483 01:03:18,599 --> 01:03:23,360 More than 100 kilometers of waters that maintains an extraordinary acidity. 484 01:03:33,079 --> 01:03:37,719 They are only the tip of the iceberg of the Dark World. 485 01:03:43,000 --> 01:03:51,079 So can we conclude that the river is not polluted? 486 01:03:51,079 --> 01:03:55,840 The river is not born polluted. This is the cotton test. 487 01:03:56,519 --> 01:04:01,039 Obviously when it cross the mine area there could be interactions with the mine residues. 488 01:04:01,039 --> 01:04:05,880 But here, this is pristine. This comes from the underground. 489 01:04:05,880 --> 01:04:09,480 So let's go into this Dark World we have talked about. 490 01:04:24,719 --> 01:04:27,760 We go through the rock pores. 491 01:04:30,559 --> 01:04:33,159 There is no light and oxygen. 492 01:04:38,320 --> 01:04:41,679 We are now more than 600 meters deep. 493 01:04:41,679 --> 01:04:43,679 It's getting hotter. 494 01:05:02,400 --> 01:05:07,719 Billions of bacteria burn the iron of the rocks. 495 01:05:09,400 --> 01:05:14,800 Some of them learned to breath nitrates. 496 01:05:14,800 --> 01:05:18,440 The Dark Wolrd is overwhelmed by enormous pressures. 497 01:05:18,440 --> 01:05:24,519 And the time runs slower. 498 01:05:24,519 --> 01:05:31,039 Some bacteria could divide perhaps each 1000 years. 499 01:05:35,800 --> 01:05:39,400 Many rules of biology are broken in this world, Ricardo tells me. 500 01:05:55,559 --> 01:06:00,039 Cooperation is more important than competence. 501 01:06:10,239 --> 01:06:13,400 Everybody are necessary in this universe. 502 01:06:31,559 --> 01:06:35,760 Life creates the conditions that allow its existence. 503 01:06:46,719 --> 01:06:55,760 Collaboration among different species was vital for the origin of life, a prediction of biologist Lynn Margulis. 504 01:06:57,679 --> 01:07:06,239 And we, the powerful human beings, could not live without the help of these bacteria. 505 01:07:06,239 --> 01:07:10,079 When it started everything? 506 01:07:12,840 --> 01:07:16,719 After getting back from this Dark World, where time stops. 507 01:07:17,280 --> 01:07:21,639 Our tour in the mine train gets a very special meaning. 508 01:07:21,639 --> 01:07:27,679 This is not only a train that show us the old times of the big mine copper industry. 509 01:07:27,679 --> 01:07:35,760 These are the tomato macaroni you show me at Iceland and you promise me to show them here, in Río Tinto. 510 01:07:37,559 --> 01:07:44,199 So we go. This train will drive us to the sites where they are producing these kind of structures right now. 511 01:07:44,199 --> 01:07:50,119 Now I see this is a journey to the same origins of life. 512 01:07:52,679 --> 01:07:57,599 This is a snapshot of something that could happened more than 4 billion years ago. 513 01:07:59,840 --> 01:08:04,760 So this train compress the long history of life on Earth in about only one year. 514 01:08:20,119 --> 01:08:23,680 January, 1. The Earth is born. 515 01:08:37,920 --> 01:08:39,920 Around February 25, first bacteria emerge. 516 01:08:39,920 --> 01:08:44,920 They have dominated our world. 517 01:08:56,359 --> 01:09:00,279 The first animals appear on November. 518 01:09:01,880 --> 01:09:06,600 Dinosaurs dissapereared about December 25, at Christmas Day. 519 01:09:08,199 --> 01:09:13,800 And we appeared in the last 15 minutes of the year. 520 01:09:25,079 --> 01:09:28,800 I admire the Rio Tinto making its way in the pine forest. 521 01:09:28,800 --> 01:09:33,760 And I wonder if there were others blood rivers when life started. 522 01:09:35,560 --> 01:09:40,319 Blood rivers boosted by subterranean kingdoms of bacteria. 523 01:09:40,319 --> 01:09:43,479 Other Dark Worlds. 524 01:10:17,119 --> 01:10:19,119 Other worlds 525 01:10:20,640 --> 01:10:22,640 Iron. 526 01:10:22,640 --> 01:10:25,720 An ancestral energy source. 527 01:10:28,760 --> 01:10:34,119 While we walk, Ricardo suggests to raise our look to another world. 528 01:10:42,239 --> 01:10:44,239 Mars. 529 01:10:51,680 --> 01:10:53,680 The red planet. 530 01:11:11,479 --> 01:11:14,640 A world rusted to the bone. 531 01:11:31,760 --> 01:11:33,760 Iceland, Rio Tinto 532 01:11:34,479 --> 01:11:37,760 It seems that the ghost of Mars follows us everywhere. 533 01:11:37,760 --> 01:11:42,399 You should know we are now walking over the best Mars analog. 534 01:11:42,399 --> 01:11:44,399 Why? 535 01:11:44,399 --> 01:11:50,199 Mars is the red planet. And Río Tinto, you know what is its color because of its name,Tinto. 536 01:11:50,720 --> 01:11:55,640 Both share the same red color because of the oxidized iron that is prevalent in both. 537 01:11:57,720 --> 01:11:59,720 Spheres of hematite have been found on Mars. 538 01:12:01,199 --> 01:12:04,479 The same iron oxide that is present in Río Tinto. 539 01:12:09,840 --> 01:12:15,600 At one Martian crater hill, the Perseverance rover found something. 540 01:12:16,560 --> 01:12:19,079 Signs of ancient water. 541 01:12:19,079 --> 01:12:21,079 Iron oxides. 542 01:12:21,079 --> 01:12:23,079 And mysterious black spots 543 01:12:23,079 --> 01:12:27,920 that suggest that microscopic life flourished from Martian underground. 544 01:12:30,000 --> 01:12:32,920 May be by burning iron minerals? 545 01:12:35,159 --> 01:12:39,000 So do you believe we will find life on Mars? 546 01:12:39,000 --> 01:12:44,720 Not in the surface, as water dissapeared since many million of years ago. 547 01:12:44,720 --> 01:12:49,800 But we have found life in the underground here in Earth. So why not in Mars? 548 01:13:33,399 --> 01:13:36,119 The life we have on Earth, could it had came from Mars? 549 01:13:36,720 --> 01:13:43,399 If life emerged on Mars, an meteoritic impact from Mars could have brought the life to Earth. 550 01:14:09,359 --> 01:14:14,199 But if Mars and the Earth are the same old, about 4.5 billion years 551 01:14:14,199 --> 01:14:18,119 then life appeared faster on Mars. 552 01:14:18,119 --> 01:14:24,319 We have a difficulty here, as we know that life emerged on Earth very soon. 553 01:14:24,319 --> 01:14:26,319 There was no room for this difference. 554 01:14:27,199 --> 01:14:31,079 We should start to look further than the solar system. 555 01:14:31,079 --> 01:14:34,199 So life comes from much further. 556 01:14:34,199 --> 01:14:36,199 It could come from much further. 557 01:14:46,399 --> 01:14:51,920 From a past of four billions years ago, we travel to the future. 558 01:14:53,239 --> 01:14:58,560 A future perhaps without humans beings. 559 01:15:02,319 --> 01:15:08,479 Specially if we make this planet inhabitable for us. 560 01:15:15,079 --> 01:15:23,239 While we walk on this dystopian landscape, I wonder about life and time. 561 01:15:24,760 --> 01:15:27,880 We believe bacteria are sketches of a primitive life. 562 01:15:29,000 --> 01:15:33,359 But in fact they are very sophisticated structures. 563 01:15:33,640 --> 01:15:39,039 In the world of robotics, bacteria would be very advanced artificial intelligences. 564 01:15:39,039 --> 01:15:44,319 Were 300 million years enough to allow them surging from chaos? 565 01:15:48,640 --> 01:15:51,560 Can we imagine this time period? 566 01:16:02,479 --> 01:16:08,720 Astronomer Fred Hoyle believed life came from outer space. 567 01:16:29,920 --> 01:16:31,920 Do you think life was very easy to form? 568 01:16:35,079 --> 01:16:37,479 I do not think it was easy at all to form. 569 01:16:37,479 --> 01:16:43,359 It think I don't believe... it was easy at all to form. 570 01:16:43,399 --> 01:16:55,000 I think the forms of life that you would get 3.8 billion of years ago in Greenland 571 01:16:55,840 --> 01:17:01,359 would be not much different from the life we have here today, the bacterial life. 572 01:17:03,800 --> 01:17:08,119 He believed that the probability of life emerging at random on Earth 573 01:17:08,119 --> 01:17:12,319 was almost zero. 574 01:17:13,000 --> 01:17:18,199 As if one tornado destroying an hangar with all the separated pieces of a 747 jumbo plane 575 01:17:18,199 --> 01:17:21,119 could assemble them in a plane capable of flying. 576 01:17:31,399 --> 01:17:37,399 I decided to phone our friend Dave Deamer to ask him about it. 577 01:17:43,119 --> 01:17:47,800 Regarding Fred Hoyle metaphor of the tornado and the 747 airliner. 578 01:17:50,520 --> 01:17:56,560 Hoyle gots stuck with the idea that entropy and disorganization always increases, no matter what. 579 01:17:56,560 --> 01:17:59,600 Here is a counter example. 580 01:17:59,600 --> 01:18:07,560 If we add a solution of salt and sugar a shelve with a cap bottle, nothing would happen in a million years. 581 01:18:07,560 --> 01:18:12,359 But if I take off the cap and let the solution evaporate 582 01:18:13,159 --> 01:18:15,560 at some point crystals begin to form. 583 01:18:27,079 --> 01:18:33,680 Each crystal is an example of an entropy decreasing to a minimum. 584 01:18:34,760 --> 01:18:37,520 Another example is a soup solution 585 01:18:38,399 --> 01:18:43,239 If the soup solution is undisturbed, it would sit forever. 586 01:18:44,399 --> 01:18:48,880 But if I add a little energy by blowing air with a straw 587 01:18:49,560 --> 01:18:52,800 beautiful soup bubbles form and float away. 588 01:18:52,800 --> 01:18:55,800 These are examples of self assembly. 589 01:18:55,800 --> 01:19:02,479 and it seems obvious to me that self assembly proceses played an essential role in the origin of life. 590 01:19:15,600 --> 01:19:23,439 I imagine now blood rivers like Río Tinto, but in primitive landscapes of Mars. 591 01:19:25,319 --> 01:19:28,359 And perhaps in another worlds. 592 01:19:32,000 --> 01:19:35,840 Ricardo, after talking so much about the origin of life 593 01:19:36,119 --> 01:19:40,119 what do you think how could be the end? 594 01:19:40,479 --> 01:19:44,439 We could talk about the end of our species. 595 01:19:44,439 --> 01:19:48,880 Specially if we behave in the way we do today. 596 01:19:48,960 --> 01:19:53,479 But at the end of life I am convinced microorganisms will persist. 597 01:19:54,680 --> 01:19:58,840 So the human species becomes extinct and bacteria will survive us. 598 01:19:58,840 --> 01:20:01,640 That is the idea. 599 01:20:58,960 --> 01:21:03,319 The end of our species drive us to the beginning. 600 01:21:04,640 --> 01:21:08,079 We need to raise our look to other worlds 601 01:21:08,920 --> 01:21:13,359 Sites very different to our home, the Earth. 602 01:21:14,479 --> 01:21:19,039 Searching for answers. 603 01:21:25,159 --> 01:21:29,239 Where perhaps life is now the rule. 604 01:21:31,319 --> 01:21:33,319 and not the exception.